Hello all.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
<>It was busy here with opening gifts at home, then off to the in-laws for Christmas number 2. I am glad that I didn't buy very much for my kids this year b/c everyone else sure did! I gave away a few quilty items. The first was a Christmas table runner that was simple random strips that we're set at a diagonal. I also did some machine embroidery to it and made two matching ornaments. This was given to my mother and father in law. 2nd was a wall hanging for one of my brother in laws. We live in Nebraska and I think it may be illegal not to be a husker fan; so, I made a husker themed wall hanging for his gym. As for me, I received a quilt kit and a pampered chef casserole. Not bad! I hope to get pics up if these thing soon. Of course with the hustle of the season I forgot to take pictures before wrapping :-(
All for now,